He Said She Said Circle – TEFL Activity

He Said She Said Circle is a simple activity for students to practice their reported speech‏‎ (also known as indirect speech). Ideally you should run this activity after a lesson where students have been working on reported speech. If not, you should quickly run over the rules and principles of […]

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Grammatical Person‏‎ in English

In grammar person is used to show the relationship between the speaker and the listener or the writer and the reader. For example, if I talk about myself I use the pronoun I but if someone talks to me, they use the pronoun you. So depending on the person doing […]

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Grammatical Number in English

Grammatical Number is the term used to describe whether something is singular (just one) or plural (more than one). In English this applies to nouns, verbs and determiners and depending on the number the form of these may change. Nouns The usual way to change a noun from singular to […]

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Grammatical Case in English

Grammatical Case is used to talk about how nouns and, especially, pronouns‏‎ change their form when they have a different role in a sentence‏‎. For example, look at these: John loves Leslie. Leslie loves John. The subject of the first sentence is John. The object of the second sentence is […]

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In a general sense, a grammarian is a linguist‏‎. One who studies language, in other words. However often grammarian is used in a slightly more restricted sense for a person who writes grammar‎ books and looks only at the way language is put together. In the past, grammarians would merely […]

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