Capital Letters in English

In English‏‎ every sentence starts with a Capital Letter (or Uppercase) and usually ends with a period or full stop. For example these are all wrong: * the film has finished. * where is she? * in 1492 Columbus sailed off into the sunset. * an asterisk at the beginning […]

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Brackets and Parentheses

Brackets and Parentheses are punctuation marks in English which everyone knows, but many people get wrong. Even native speakers. But before getting on to how to use them, we’ll begin by explaining exactly what the difference between them are. Types of Bracket There are 2 types of brackets common in […]

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Apostrophes in English

The Apostrophe is a diacritic mark in punctuation‏‎. It is used in 2 different ways in English‏‎: to show possessive nouns to show omitted letters Possession Generally we add an apostrophe s to the end of a noun to make it possessive: the girl’s bike Maggie’s farm If there is […]

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Adverbial Clauses‏‎ in English Grammar

An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause‏‎ that act as the adverb in a sentence. It normally answers the questions: how, when, where, how much. We can join two clauses using a simple conjunction. She heard the door open while she was watching television. The second clause can be turned […]

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Active Voice in English Grammar

When the subject performs the action described by the verbs we talk about sentences in the Active Voice. By voice grammarians mean a grammatical category that shows whether the subject of a sentence is an actor or a recipient. In the active voice the subject is an actor. If the […]

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