The Oxford Comma

Writers and editors tend to have strong opinions about the Oxford comma. If you don’t regularly work with words and grammar, however, you might not even be aware of what the Oxford comma is although you might be using it (or not) in your writing. Let’s break down what you […]

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Dialog vs. Dialogue

This article is about Dialog vs. Dialogue — enjoy your reading! “Dialogue” is an alternate spelling of “dialog,” which means ‘a conversation between two or more people’ or ‘the exchange of ideas.’ I wrote a dialogue between a customer and a shopkeeper. I wrote a dialog between a customer and […]

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I vs. Me

Although these two are written and pronounced completely differently, “I” and “me” are often used interchangeably or used in the wrong context. A common mistake in people’s writing is to confuse I and me with each other. Both are personal pronouns, but they serve different purposes within the sentence. In […]

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Me vs. I

Although these two are written and pronounced completely differently, “me” and “I” are often used interchangeably or used in the wrong context. A common mistake in people’s writing is to confuse I and me with each other. Both are personal pronouns, but they serve different purposes within the sentence. In […]

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What Are Articles? Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Consider the following examples: After the long day, the cup of tea tasted particularly good. By using the article the, we’ve shown that it was one specific day that was long and one specific cup of […]

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