Disney English

Disney English is a chain of English schools in China operating under the aegis of the Walt Disney Company in the US. When the first schools opened a number of non-affiliated schools using the Disney name were shut down. The first school opened in Shanghai in 2008 and there are […]

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Shane English School

Shane English School (SES) is a chain of schools operating in Asia. The school originally started in Japan and came about after an English teacher, Shane Lipscombe found he had too many private students and thus set up a school to deal with them all. Since then it has joined […]

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Wall Street Institute

The Wall Street Institute is a massive global group of schools. It was founded in Italy‏‎ in 1972 by Luigi Tiziano Peccenini and now operates over 400 schools in 27 countries around the world. WSI are currently owned by Pearson. They report teaching of 1.5 million students throughout their history […]

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Coco Juku

Coco Juku is an English conversation school (eikaiwa) in Japan. The company was founded in 2012 by Nichii Gakkan, which also owns Gaba Corporation. In April 2012 is opened 6 locations and by October there were 62 locations. They plan to open further locations over the following months. In line […]

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Berlitz is the brand name of a well-known chain of English language schools. From its humble beginnings in Rhode Island in 1878, the company has become a global corporation with both company-owned and franchised locations in more than 70 countries, and revenues of hundreds of millions of US dollars. What […]

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