Adverbs in English Grammar

Adverbs are known as a kind of ‘catch-all’ class of words‏‎ in English‏‎ and there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. To begin with, however, we can say that adverbs give us more information about other words and clarify usage. Adverbs can give us more information […]

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Adverbials‏‎ in English

Adverbials are adverbs, adverbial phrases or adverbial clauses which give us additional information about the time, place, or manner of the action described in the rest of the sentence. I had been reading my book quite happily on the sofa for half an hour, when my little brother burst into […]

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Adverb Position in English Grammar

Generally speaking – and there are exceptions – adverbs‏‎ can come in 1 of 3 positions in a sentence‏‎: 1) At the beginning: Hurriedly I got dressed. Never go there again! Always look on the bright side of life. 2) Between the subject and the verb: I hurriedly got dressed. […]

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Adverb Phrases in English Grammar

An Adverb Phrase (sometimes known as an Adverbial Phrase) is – as you might guess – simply a group of words which act in exactly the same way (grammatically speaking) as a single adverb. For example, here’s a sentence with a single adverb: The police arrived quickly. We can expand […]

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Adjectives in English Grammar

Adjectives are words we use to describe a noun. They usually come before it: {1 or more adjectives} + {noun} big, red, boring book The noun in this phrase‏‎ is book and the adjectives tell us what size it is (big), what color it is (red) and what we think […]

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