Compound Words in English

A compound word is a word made up from two or more other words joined together. They are often created to describe a new concept or idea and are thus neologisms‏‎. As a simple example, take the words foot and ball. These were brought together to describe the game: football. […]

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Common Phrasal Verbs‏‎ in English

This is simply a list of common phrasal verbs‏‎ which your students should know. There is no easy way to learn phrasal verbs as their meaning cannot be guessed by their make-up. Likewise many phrasal verbs have several completely unrelated meanings. This means that phrasal verbs must simply be learned […]

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Collective Nouns‏‎ in English Grammar

A Collective Noun is a noun used to describe a group of objects (things, people, etc). For example, when we talk about collections of people we can use words like: a group of men a gang of teenagers a mob of rioters a squad of soldiers Each of the highlighted […]

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Auxiliary Verbs in English Grammar

Auxiliary Verbs (from the Latin auxilio = to help; they are also known as helping verbs) are verbs‏‎ used to change the tense, form‏‎ mood and voice of other verbs. In other words, we add an auxiliary to a verb to turn it into a question, to put it into […]

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Aspect‏‎ in English Grammar

Aspect describes how a speaker feels about the action they are describing. In English there are generally accepted to be 3 aspects and they change how the verb‏‎ is formed: simple (aka indefinite) continuous (aka progressive) perfect A Simple Example To take an example. Suppose someone says: I drive to […]

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