Day 15 – Half Hour Half Moon Practice – 30 Days of Yoga

Join Adriene on Day 15 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Half Moon Practice. No experience with Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon? NO PROBLEM!!! We are HALFWAY there y’all! Day 15 welcomes you to drop into your practice. This sequence can be done in half an hour. It provides opportunity to relish in the space that you have cultivated in the last 14 days. Today would be the perfect day to commit to staying present. You have made it this far – stay in the moment and reconnect to your intentions. This 30 min yoga sequence is great for anxiety and stress relief. This practice takes its time and invites us to keep it fresh and alive! Connect to your breath, lift your heart, and go with the flow. ENJOY! Because you’re worth it. AWESOME WORK MY FRIENDS! Namaste. Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!

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Posted in Health & Fitness, Video, Yoga.

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