Prepositions of Time‏‎ in English Grammar

Prepositions of Time – we use these prepositions‏‎ to talk about time, either with a specific start and finish or general periods of time. We use them to explain when something happened. There is no real logic to which prepositions we use when talking about time so they just have […]

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Prepositions of Place‏‎ in English Grammar

Prepositions of Place are used to describe where something or someone is… Words like: in, on, at, by, behind, over… and so on. Most Common Prepositions of Place The 3 most commonly used prepositions of place are at, in and on. For ESL students prepositions of place (in fact, all […]

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Prepositional Phrases‏‎ in English Grammar

Generally speaking, a Preposition tells you where something is or when something happened: at, in, on, by… As you might guess, a Prepositional Phrase simply means a preposition and what it is talking about known as the object: {preposition} + {object} by + the light of the silvery moon in […]

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Phrasal Verbs‏‎ in English

A phrasal verb is a verb‏‎ and preposition which together mean something different from the individual parts. For example: The little boy was racing along the corridor when he ran into his teacher. In this example the boy was running and he literally ran into his teacher and knocked him […]

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Personal Pronouns‏‎ in English Grammar

Personal Pronouns are a subset of pronouns‏‎ which stand in for people, places, things and ideas. To begin with, here is a full table of all personal pronouns in English: Singular / Plural – Subject – Object – Reflexive – Possessive singular – I – me – myself – mine […]

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