Rote Learning in TEFL

Rote Learning is an old-fashioned method of learning by continuous repetition. It is derived from the idea that if a student says something enough times they will learn it and be able to produce it when the time comes. In English it is also called learning by heart however there […]

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Role Playing in the TEFL Classroom

Role Plays or Simulations are an extremely valuable method for learning and practicing the English in your TEFL/TESOL classroom. Essentially the students are placed in a certain fictitious situation where they must use English. It allows creativity on the part of the student and offers a freer practice than written […]

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Remembering Student Names

Remembering Student Names is important in building up a good relationship with your students. If you know their names and use them it makes you more approachable. Over time you will remember their names, but it’s important to try and get them off pat as soon as you can. With […]

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Red Card Yellow Card

This is an interesting way to keep order in a classroom. Basically you find out from your Director of Studies what the usual punishment in the school is be it detention, lines, expulsion from the class, calling parents, etc. Next, prepare a couple of cards: one yellow and one red. […]

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Recasting & Uptake in TEFL Teaching

Recasting is a form of error correction‏‎ from a teacher to a student; uptake is how the student reacts to this. Basically, recasting is when the teacher repeats what the student says but in correct English. Uptake is when the student hears the correction and repeats the phrase. This is […]

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