$20 Minimum Wage Backfires

$20 Minimum Wage Backfires as Restaurants See Orders Plummet.
A law calling for a $20 minimum wage has led to brutal backlash as customers opt out of ordering delivery in Seattle, Washington.
The Seattle City Council is in the middle of deciding whether to pass a new law that would adjust its prior PayUp bill that went into effect in 2022.

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China to Fully Reopen Borders to Foreigners

China to fully reopen borders to foreigners but near-term hurdles remain China will reopen its borders to foreign tourists for the first time in the three years since the COVID-19 pandemic erupted by allowing all categories of visas to be issued from Wednesday. The removal of this last cross-border control […]

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A Year from Now You May Wish You Had Started Today

“A Year from Now You May Wish You Had Started Today” This quote, attributed to author Karen Lamb, might inspire you to get going on that project you’ve been putting off for “someday.” “A year from now you may wish you had started today” simply says: The time is now. […]

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US Has a Teacher Shortage

Surrounded by kindergarteners, Lana Scott held up a card with upper and lower case Ys, dotted with pictures of words that started with that letter: Yo-yo. Yak. Yacht. “What sound does Y make?” Scott asked a boy. Head down, he mumbled: “Yuh.” Instead of moving on, she gave him a […]

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Poppy Seeds Might Cause Failed Drug Tests

Pentagon warns poppy seeds might cause troops to fail drug tests The Defense Department is advising U.S. military personnel to be mindful of a substance that could derail their careers: poppy seeds. In a memo published Tuesday, Gilbert R. Cisneros Jr., the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, warned […]

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