Cambridge Young Learners English Tests

Cambridge Young Learners English Tests is touted as a series of fun, motivating English language tests, aimed at children in primary and lower-secondary education (age 7 – 12).

They are run by UCLES.

The examination has three different levels: Starters Exam (typically for age 7, or Year 1 to 2 elementary students), Movers Exam (typically for ages 8 to 11, or Year 3 to 4 elementary students) and Flyers Exam (typically for ages 9 to 12, or Year 5 to 6 elementary students). At each level, the examination is divided into three different sections. The first is Reading and Writing, the second is Listening and the third is Speaking. For each section, candidates can score a maximum of five “shields”. The division of levels is according to ability, rather than age. Therefore, it is possible for a six-year old child to acquire the full marks (all fifteen “shields”) in the Flyers Exam.

Many cram schools in Hong Kong and China use their students results in the Cambridge Young Learners Test in their promotional materials as proof of their teachers’ ability.

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Posted in Qualifications for Students, Teaching Young Learners.

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