Acronyms & Backronyms in English

An acronym is a word formed by using one or more letters of the words in a phrase‏‎. It’s used as an abbreviation of that phrase. In everyday life there are many commonly used acronyms. Some are formed from the initials of each word whilst others use parts of the […]

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A First Private TEFL Lesson

You’ve been asked to give a private TEFL lesson to a new student. You know virtually nothing about them but you know you’ll be sitting in a room with them, one on one, for an hour and half. This article is all about how to prepare for a First Private […]

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A First English Lesson for Beginners

This article offers a simple First Lesson for Beginners. It assumes that all instruction will be done in English‏‎ and the class knows no English at all, i.e. the class are all complete beginners‏‎. Background It is generally accepted that using English only‏‎ in the classroom (known as full immersion‏‎) […]

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Your Nationality when Teaching Abroad

This article answers a question we’re asked quite a lot: do you have to give up your nationality or citizenship when you go and work in another country? The simple answer which applies 99.9% of the time is: No. The rest of this article explores this topic in more detail. […]

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Where to Teach English as a Foreign Language

Where to Teach is one of the key questions asked by newly qualified teachers as well as experienced teachers who are looking for a change. On the plus side teaching English happens in pretty much every single country in the world so there are jobs available almost everywhere. On the […]

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