Tens Of Millions Of Filthy, Used Gloves Imported Into The US

Trash bags stuffed full of used medical gloves, some visibly soiled, some even blood-stained, litter the floor of a warehouse on the outskirts of Bangkok. Nearby is a plastic bowl, filled with blue dye and a few gloves. Thai officials say migrant laborers had been trying to make the gloves […]

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California Area Codes Will Require 10 Digit Dialing

From Pasadena to Palo Alto, callers in nine California area codes will be required to use 10-digit dialing when making phone calls beginning Sunday. The changes, which will affect thousands of California residents, stem from federal rules that will make it easier for callers to reach crisis resources. Callers who […]

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International Pronouns Day

Remember to never make assumptions about the gender of another person based on appearance or name. International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the […]

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Microsoft To Shut Down LinkedIn In China

For Chinese regulators, even a censored US-based social network was too much.   Microsoft is shutting down its main LinkedIn service in China later this year as Beijing tightens its internet rules.   Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) is pulling the plug on LinkedIn in China nearly seven years after its launch, […]

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McDonald’s Giving Out Free Meals To Teachers and Staff This Week Across The Country

Teachers are going to get a little extra lovin’ this week with free breakfast “Thank You” meals from McDonald’s as a token of appreciation. Any educator, including teachers, administrators, and school staff can go to McDonald’s from October 11 to October 15 to receive their breakfast meal, McDonald’s said in […]

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