Adverbials‏‎ in English

Adverbials are adverbs, adverbial phrases or adverbial clauses which give us additional information about the time, place, or manner of the action described in the rest of the sentence. I had been reading my book quite happily on the sofa for half an hour, when my little brother burst into […]

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Adverb Position in English Grammar

Generally speaking – and there are exceptions – adverbs‏‎ can come in 1 of 3 positions in a sentence‏‎: 1) At the beginning: Hurriedly I got dressed. Never go there again! Always look on the bright side of life. 2) Between the subject and the verb: I hurriedly got dressed. […]

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Adverb Phrases in English Grammar

An Adverb Phrase (sometimes known as an Adverbial Phrase) is – as you might guess – simply a group of words which act in exactly the same way (grammatically speaking) as a single adverb. For example, here’s a sentence with a single adverb: The police arrived quickly. We can expand […]

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Adjectives in English Grammar

Adjectives are words we use to describe a noun. They usually come before it: {1 or more adjectives} + {noun} big, red, boring book The noun in this phrase‏‎ is book and the adjectives tell us what size it is (big), what color it is (red) and what we think […]

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Adjectives as Nouns‎ & Vice Versa

Adjectives‏‎ normally tell us more about nouns e.g. {adjective} + {noun} rich + people poor + men Adjectives as Nouns However, we can also use an adjective as a noun by using this pattern: the + {adjective} We use this to talk about a group of people: The rich get […]

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