How long does it take to complete the online course?

IWeb TEFL courses have been designed for self-study at your own pace. We don’t put pressure on you to hand in work or complete assignments according to OUR schedule. Instead, we work to YOUR schedule.

This means you can fit in a course around your own work life and free time. In other words you can take as long or as little time as you like to complete it. If you work already or are still at college, then you can take one of our courses no problem!

The fastest student completed the IWeb TEFL Certificate Course in 22 days while at the other end of the scale we have some students take several years!

On average though, most students complete their course within about 4-8 weeks.

We recommend you submit at least one assignment a year, if you cant’ work any faster. However if you don’t manage that and more than 12 months go by, don’t worry. We can help you reactivate your course. See here for details.

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06/30/2016 4:43 am
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